Use Cases, Blockchain, IoT


With a background in technology consulting, digital transformation, agile project & requirements management, system/software technology & methods, and company building it was almost inevitable that blockchain/DLT, machine learning and even microcontroller-driven applications caught my interest.

I’m fascinated by how fast this ecosystem evolves and what new disruptive opportunities arise; and, as an experienced algorithmic assets trader, I’m shocked how unprepared public blockchains are applied and arise.

My credo: Begin communication with the end in your mind. Being part of a distributed team with a broad range of skills like we have at Untitled INC provides various experiences and knowledge. Together we grow our understanding of this game-changing technology.

Once you begin to understand what Blockchain is, you cannot sleep anymore

What are the main topics why the blockchain is important for us.

We will provide systems that support the transport of goods and early decisions about date, quality and transport conditions. These historic data will be stored only in the blockchain, transparent for all participants as for example manufacturer, supplier and customer.

We will provide systems that support the use of devices, e.g rented cars, boats and else. This allows early decisions and final transparent pricing of the use conditions. These historic data will be stored only in the blockchain, transparent for all participants as for example provider, user and insurer.

To allow early decisions or early conflict resolution at transport or use conditions, the devices are equipped with a number of different communication features like Bluetooth to reach near sensors, WLAN and LoRaWAN (e.g. TTN, Sigfox) to communicate on long and far distances up to 50 km. All devices can also communicate via Bluetooth or WLAN with Iridium satellite connections and are optimized for minimal data transport.

Smart Contracts in conjunction with sensors and actors can automate complete value chains or similar processes so that quality, punctuality, price are executed as negotiated.